Pharmaceutical Error and Malpractice

Prescription drugs can help to manage medical conditions in a way that over-the-counter drugs cannot, making them necessary for many people. However, prescription drugs also have extremely specific uses, not to mention sometimes serious side effects. Thus, medical professionals must take proper care and precaution to avoid committing pharmaceutical errors, as these errors can have dangerous consequences for people. Sadly, the health of many patients is continuously put at risk by the frequency of pharmaceutical malpractice.

Any pharmaceutical error, not matter how small, can cause disastrous, life-threatening complications for patients. Victims are forced to endure the physical and emotional repercussions that accompany unexpected pharmaceutical errors, while also dealing with the financial burden of treating them. Although our legal team at Detroit Personal Injury Attorneys understands the extent of consequences people in Detroit face as a result of pharmaceutical errors, we believe that victims of such malpractice are entitled to financial compensation.

Common Types of Pharmaceutical Error

Pharmaceutical malpractice can occur in a variety of different ways, meaning patients are exposed to a variety of risks. Common types of pharmaceutical errors include:

  • Dispensing the wrong medication
  • Dispensing the incorrect strength or dosage of a medication
  • Confusing prescriptions between patients
  • Failing to warn against dangerous drug interactions
  • Failing to give proper instructions for use

You trust pharmacists to provide you with the correct medication to help manage illnesses and treat ailments. You should never have to endure additional pain or complications because of a pharmacist’s negligent actions.

Contact an Attorney in Detroit

Patients can suffer serious harm when pharmacists fail to provide them with the correct prescription medication. Our attorneys at Detroit Personal Injury Attorneys are dedicated to helping victims fight for the compensation they deserve when unduly harmed by pharmaceutical error. Call (248) 948-9696 to find out what we may be able to do for you if you have been harmed in this manner.